Harmonic Technology is a global provider of high performance cables to connect audio and video components within the home and for professional use. Following the principle of attainable luxury, we have created the highest quality cables to allow any audio or video system reach new levels of transparency and musical accuracy.

Our goal is simple: to bring the beauty of the performance through your systems with perfect authenticity.

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in San Diego, California, Harmonic Technology has made an amazing discovery through combining the science of metallurgy with the manufacturing of audio and video cables. The end result of our extensive research is Harmonic Technology’s patented OCC Single Crystal™ design process, where metal is purified to eliminate any potential crystalline barrier distortion. This process of refining and casting metals has created a breakthrough design within the audio/video industry, providing the most accurate signal transfers ever achieved. While other cable manufacturers may utilize high quality copper wire with 99.97% purity, containing a variety of contaminants including oxygen, Harmonic Technology’s design process obtains purity levels in excess of 99.999997% in an atmosphere completely devoid of oxygen and other contaminants. The end result has been a dramatic increase in the clarity, dynamics and power of the signals traveling through the cables to a level never experienced before by audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts.

Harmonic Technology’s Design Team draws upon its expertise and the innovation and best practices within other industries to bring maximum performance to the audio/video cable market. We strive to design and implement the most advanced technologies to keep pace with the ever-evolving consumer electronics products being introduced to the market. Most recently, Harmonic Technology adapted glass fiber and laser-like technology to the audio realm in order to create a new generation of cable products that has truly revolutionized the industry. Through patent-pending, miniaturized LAM (Light Analog Module) Photon Transducers, Harmonic Technology’s Photon cables convert audio signal to light pulses, with absolutely no digital conversions, unleashing the sonic depth, accuracy and power of every signal.

Harmonic Technology has consistently proven itself to be among the leaders within the high performance cable market by winning the Absolute Sound Golden Ear Award and the Stereophile Recommended Component every year since 1999. Our products are continuously well recommended by a variety of reviewers including Absolute Sound, Stereotimes, Soundstage, Enjoy by the Music and Planet Hi-Fi. Harmonic Technology also carries Furutech accessories in order to fully enhance your ultimate audio/video experience.

Kijk voor meer informatie op: www.harmonictech.com.